
Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Welcome To The Department Of Mechanical And Civil Engineering


The mission of the mechanical and civil engineering department is to prepare graduate and undergraduate students to be successful professionals and leaders in global and local environments related to the work place in industry, research, business, and management. We do this by a) maintaining accredited undergraduate programs, b) providing state-of-the-art curricula which are continuously improved through a thorough assessment of key student performance related metrics, and c) developing and maintaining research programs that complement the course work taught in the curricula.

Department Head's Message

Troy V. Nguyen, Ph.D., P.E.

Troy NguyenThe department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (MCE) consists of four programs: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Engineering Management. Between these four programs, students learn to design and build the infrastructure needed to meet the basic needs of humanity such as a shelter, clean environment, and transportation, as well as designing, developing, building, and testing mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines.

All of the department’s professors are devoted to teaching and building great student – teacher relationships. Our undergraduate courses are highly project oriented so that students can get accustomed and train in solving real-world problems. We offer both undergraduate and graduate programs in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), and undergraduate program in Construction Management (B.S.) and a graduate program in Engineering Management (M.S.).

While the focus areas in research continuously change, our faculty are involved in highly interdisciplinary research in areas such as dynamic systems and controls, electro-mechanical-system dynamics, system design, system design and additive manufacturing, zero energy building, hurricane disaster modeling, and estuarine research.


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